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发布时间:2023-11-25 17:50:08来源:网络转载

1. 五一国外旅游


2. 五一境外游


3. 五一国外旅游人多吗


4. 五一国外旅游最佳去处

2018 年“五一”假日全国共接待国内游客 1.47 亿人次,同比增长9.3%,实现国内旅游收入871.6亿元,同比增长 10.2%。 统计分析显示,“五一” 期间,全国假日旅游消费旺盛,旅游市场持续增长。 城市周边游、乡村游、生态游成为游客首选,自驾游火爆,旅游消费呈现个性化、特色化、品质化、多样化趋势。文旅融合旅游产品,研学旅游、红色旅游等成为假日旅游新亮点,各地古镇、古街、文化馆、博物馆等游人众多。

5. 五一国外旅游计划和如何做一个文明的旅游者的英语作文

  On the first day of the rest, mom and dad and I went to ningbo sea world and youngor zoo.

  We first came to the sea world. Once in the aquarium, dad took me to see the sea precious animals. Have the hippocampus, giant salamander, heavy sea turtles, and cute little penguins. Overhead transparent glass in all kinds of fish swimming happily in the, I seem to feel also came to the underwater world.

  Out of the aquarium, went to the ocean theatre, there are Marine animals.

  Walrus in sit-ups, music we call "good", then we show the water ballet, see it stretch your head, around circle, also push the feet, how interesting! From Japan's "three sisters" sea lions, each have each skill: within a will do ten arithmetic, a lifting weights, is another ball player. Next, two beluga whales the staff with mouth top up from the water. Finally, dolphins sang a song for us, that caused a cheer.

  Out of the sea world, we went to the youngor zoo. In the zoo, I saw a fierce the east-northern tiger and the tiger, mighty lion and white lion. In the panda garden, I finally met our national treasure, the giant panda. They are naughty flip, also eat bamboo. Beautiful peacock contended for the tail, to show us their beauty.

  Travel over, although very tired, but I am very happy!
